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About Me

Hello guys :)
Assalamu'alaikum :)
Sawadi kha :)

Before I tell you about all of my greatest experiences in Thailand, let me introduce myself. 
Hai, my name is Maharani Fahira but you can call me Rani. I'm one of participant in Sea-Teacher Batch 6. It's my first experience because I got chance to teach in other country especially in Thailand which have the different things like culture, food, and language and make me so interesting to know it more and excited to joined this program. Because I think I can get more advantages from this program, such as I can get more knowledge, I can know how to teach as well as the good teacher, I get many friends from another island in Indonesia even in other country and make my communicated personality become good and keep respect from the other people. 

Curious about all of my experience in Thailand right? So you can read and get it more from my blog. And for the next participant, I suggested you to join this program and I make sure that you will get the different experiences which you can't forget until you're died :). 
Thank you for your time and your attention guys :) See you on next blog :) I'll waiting all of you on next blog bye :)


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