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Teaching Assistent In Boon Khumrat Bumbrung School

Tuesday 14th of August 2018
Still with Rani :)
Sawadi kha :)

     Like the days before, today was celebrated ceremony in the morning and after that my mentor, Ms. Charupha gave some advice to students before they went to their class.

Today was my first chanced to teaching assistent in Mattayom 3/2 class with Miss.Waliksa. In this classroom has 28 students to teach. As long as the teaching assist, she asked me to paid attention with her first about what she teach because she know that for next week I will do teaching practice. And as long as that, she teach well and can made the students become understand about the lesson. And after that she gave exercise to them about what she teach and tell before. And if the students felt confuse, she come close to students and teach them again about the lesson which they don't know. 

      She was a cleared teacher, cause she will gave punishment to students who don't paid attention. About 1 hours later the lesson was finished

                                                        * My lunch today, so aroi :)

    After lunch, I continued to follow her in another class, in Mattayom 3/1 with Ms. Waliksa again. In the classroom has 43 students and she teach about the operation of multiplication.

      When the lesson was finished I was permitted to Ms. Walika and said "Khob kun kha" and got out from the class and I decided to see my friends who do the same like me in another class by myself because my schedule was finished. And I found my friends in library who observing in English subject. They were studied about clothes and played games. I was excited to knew more about that because I saw the teacher use good method to made students become more paid attention.

About 15.30 p.m the school was finished and we go home together to our dorminatory.


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