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Field Trip

Saturday, 25th of August 2018

Still with Rani guys :)
Hello :)
Sawadi kha :)

Yuhuu...Today was our last week and trip in Thailand, I'm so sad cause I don't know when I can visit this country and meet all of my friends and my teachers again :( . Yesterday evening my mentor from VRU told us to prepared our field trip tomorrow morning and they will picked us by van for this trip.

This morning our mentor from VRU picked us. We went to some of beautiful place especially the temples. We visited Wat Bowonniwet Vihara. Like usually we walked around together and take some pictures in there and enjoyed the trip.

After that, we went to visited the other temple, the name is Wat Ratchanadda. The temple has beautiful architectures which made the visitors felt comfortable and happy. We don't forget to take pictures and make videos haha :)

And after we visited the temples, our mentors invited us to visited Wang Lang Market to shopping and lunch together. We enjoyed this trip and after that we come back to our dorm and prepared to farewell on
28th of August 2018

                                 * Thank you so much and I promise I never forget about us guys


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