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Lesson Plan


Teacher Mentor: Mrs. Charupha Seesorn

Arranged by:

Mathematic Education of University Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara




Name     : Maharani Fahira
School   : Boon Khumrat Bumrung School
Class      : Mattayom 2/1

A.      Topic
Circle Chart

B.       Learning Indicators
1.   Present data in the form of circle chart.

C.       Instructional Objectives
After the learning process, students are expected to be able:
1.    To use and understand data in the form of circle chart.

D.    Learning Materials
1.    White Board
2.    Marker
3.    Power Point to introduce data in form of Circle Chart.
4.    Papercolour for Flash Card Game.

E.     Teaching-Learning Methods
1.    Apporach      : Scientific
2.    Strategy        : Cooperative Learning
3.    Techniques   : Discussion and Games

F.      Learning Resources
1.      Teaching aids            : LCD Projector and Laptop
2.      Instructional Media   : Power Point and Games tools
3.      Learning Sources       : Book

G.    Assessment
1.      Expected Outcomes
-       Observing behavior while learning activity
-       Observing the ambition to learn and commitment to work
-       Checking worksheet
2.      Instrument/Tasks
-       Student Activity
-       The evaluation form the ambition to learn and commitment to work.
3.      Criteria
-       The evaluation of the students worksheet
-       The evaluation of the ambition to learn and commitment to work.
Quality levels :
9 – 10 points = excellent
7 – 8 points = good
5 – 6 points = average
3 – 4 points = fair
0 – 2 points = improved

H.    Steps of Teaching
Activities Description
Opening Activity
Communication :
1.  Teacher open the lesson with greeting and ask about students situation.
Apperception :
1. Teacher ask student about the last topic for reminding.
2. Teacher give information about purpose of Circle Chart.
3.    Teacher tells about the topic today
Motivation :
1.  Teacher explains the procedural learning to work in group.
2.   Students sit in some group consist 5-6 people by teacher’s instruction.
10 Minutes
Main Activity
Observation :
1. Teacher gives student activity paper to each group.
2.   Teacher gives instruction to complete the student activity.
Ask Question :
1.  Student ask the teacher if they do not understand.
Data Collecting :
1. Teacher guide students in groups to solve problems.
2.     Students work in group to solve the problem.
Data Processing :
1.     Teacher divided students to be some groups.
2.   Students take a flash card for one group and answer the question.
Verification :
1.     Teacher will cheek their activity (Flash Card)
2.     If they finish, they collect their work to teacher.
3.     Teacher will check their work .
4.     Teacher gives reward for the student.
35 Minutes
Closing Activity
Closing Statement :
1.   Teacher ask student to conclude about lesson today and give their suggestion.
2.      Teacher gives worksheet to make sure students can understand or not.
3.      Students greet the teacher by saying thank you.
5 Minutes

Teaching Notes

         Phatum Thani, 20th of August 2018

   Teacher Mentor,                                                                                     Student,

       Ms. Charupha Seesorn                                                                           Maharani Fahira


Flash Card Game

1.      Choose representatives of each group to play the flash card game.
2.      Teacher will give the questions based on the flash card of students take and the students answer   as must as possible.
3.      Write it down below.
4.   The winner is the group who can answer it clearly.

Students Activity
Group member:
Time   : 20 minutes
Date    :


NAME            :……………………………………
CLASS           :……………………………………

Answer the question correctly!
The circle chart below shows the percentages types of clothes used by 900 people.
a) How many people do not like to use shirt?
b) How many people like to use blouse?
c) How many people like to use jeans or trousers?

Shirt           = 17%
Trousers     = 8%
Blouse        = 28%
Jeans          = 47% 


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